I’ve just got a little request Could you read this to yourself in a British accent ? please? Because that's how I wrote it while talking to myself at 2 am, laying in my bed Do you ever have the sudden urge to fucking uproot your entire life and toss it all to hell. I'm not talking about fixing your life but ruining it. Just drag your Ma by her hand into your room and show her all the hidden liquor bottles. Show her the packets of peace hidden behind soft toys or under couch cushions. I’m talking about the inspiration to chew out your dumb, miserable ex for not treating you right at 2am or to call that one friend you ended things with to scream some more about what an absolute douche she was. Do you ever wonder what it would feel like to throw the laptop against the wall and watch it shatter. Not that you’d ever do it, but, do you think about doing it? I think about chugging a 750ml bottle of vodka like apple juice. Not to savour the burn or welcome the heat but ...