Before you begin reading this, are you a 20-something? You know what? It’s fine. Read it anyway. And if it resounds with you, please send it to your other 20-something friends, not because I need the exposure, which I totally do by the way, but because they need to hear this. And they need to hear this from a 3 rd party that does not sound patronising. Babe. Darling, Meri jaan. My dude. Whoever you are. It’s happening to all of us. It doesn’t matter if you’ve graduated from one of the top colleges in the country or if you’re a product of a shitty college in the city. Every one of us is having a crisis max ultra pro. Sadly, this too comes with regular upgrades of shittiness added by bosses, Mondays, co-workers, parents, family as a whole and in general assholes scattered around the city waiting to fuck your day up. Social media is painting you just a bare-bones picture of what people around you are doing and sometimes, you can't help but compare yourself to that level of a...